Thursday, 18 July 2013

The year so far...

I don't really want to make this blog about me.  This blog is reserved for the celebration of my student's own achievements over the years, however, this year held a number of highlights,  including being awarded Silver in April of this year for my first foray into the prestigious Cake International's Decorated Celebration Cake category at the Excel Centre.

I also went with some friends, (Cheryl, Tarna [Cheryl's daughter who at age 15 also won silver at the Cake International competition this year] and Rose (she was awarded a merit at the same competition) to the legendary Choccywoccydoodah cake shop, in Brighton to see what they had on offer.  Choccywoccydoodah are specialists in cake and modelling chocolate awesomeness.

On 6th July, we  also attended the British Sugarcraft Guild's Exhibition in Ware, Hertfordshire where I met with Ceri DD Griffiths (the royal icing expert) and Zoe Clark, known for her beautiful clean lines and delicate cakes.  The pair were down to earth and really nice considering that they are very influential in the British Cake decorating industry and have written a number of  "How To" books.  Ceri is currently performing online tutorials.

Oh... But there's more....Hats Off to SCOLA Learners

On the novelty cake course I taught learners how to make baseball caps, where they were taught how to carve and sculpt.  The caps were made out Madeira cake and crumb coated with buttercream.  Some of the students were very imaginative.

Here is their offering

A big Thank You...

To all my students...

This has been a fun year teaching up to 8 different subject areas per week per term, and I look forward to next term's challenges.

A special mention goes to the students on my Advanced Cake Decorating Class at CEL in Lewisham who presented me with a huge sugar-paste plaque using the techniques I had taught them in class and of course I loved the chocolate champagne bottle (which I still have...) and the gorgeous bouquet of flowers.  It took every single part of my being and will power not to blubber uncontrollably on that day.

Thank you Robert, Leigh, Rena, Rachel, Veronica, Suzanne, Angela, Yeti and Nichole

Lewisham learners cake decorating contribution.

At Lewisham (CEL - Community Education Lewisham), I taught a variety of subjects including; Advanced Cake Decorating techniques where we did some modelling and run-outs as well as ribbon insertion, Airbrushing and Perfect piping.  Some of my student's work on the Advanced Cake decorating Course, was  selected to be exhibited at the college.

Here is a photographic montage of the various subject areas.  I must give a special mention to Cassie Brown, of which some of her techniques were used to develop the airbrushing course.

Learner's work exhibited, brush embroidery, flounces and Broderie Anglaise techniques

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Various cake decorating projects at CALAT

Here are a montage of various cake decorating projects carried out by my students at CALAT (Croydon Adult Learning and Training) College.  The learners are at all different levels and their journeys have been captured in pictures from cupcakes to tiered cakes, from basketweave to stencilling.

Yes... They are cake Divas!!!